Sunday, March 1, 2009


I started a minor kerfuffel - the question was what is the category for new symphonic music in the "classic" mode?

At a record store which section would it be in?

This started when a friend gave me a copy of a very good symphony that was composed, I assume finally completed, and recorded last year.

If you had "classic" music playing in the background in your car, the only way I usually listen to it, this new composition would have passed for something you had missed in your previous listening.

Given that all I know about "classical" music is that it's all by long dead white composers, I don't have a clue where to find "new" stuff.

There are distinctions to be made about "Classic":
Classic in the sense of time tested?
Classic in the sense of a timeless achievement?
Classic in the form i.e. non symphonic "serious" music ( Ok Ok jazz is serious) like chamber music.

Where would Duke Ellington's symphonies fit?
How about small group "chamber music" jazz? Like the Modern Jazz Quartet?

Suggestions so far have included:
Contemporary Classic( Eileen Chekal)
Modern Orchestral(Phil Lowe)
Neo Classical(Phil Lowe)
Non Avant-Garde(Phil Lowe)
Competently Composed Music(Phil Lowe)

Competently Composed would start a whole new major mess( Who would decide) and include a very small group of compositions.

Anyway - Just what is "Classical" music and where do I go to find new(?) stuff without having to sort through piles of older music.


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